This is the companion vignette to the ‘Visualisation of proteomics data using R and Bioconductor’ manuscript that presents an overview of R and Bioconductor software for mass spectrometry and proteomics data. It provides the code to reproduce the figures in the paper.
This document illustrates some existing R infrastructure for the analysis of proteomics data. It presents the code for the use cases taken from (Laurent Gatto and Christoforou 2013, Gatto:2015). A pre-print of (Laurent Gatto and Christoforou 2013) available on arXiv and (L. Gatto et al. 2015) is open access.
There are however numerous additional R resources distributed by the Bioconductor and CRAN repositories, as well as packages hosted on personal websites. Section @ref(sec:packages) tries to provide a wider picture of available packages, without going into details.
NB: I you are interested in R packages for mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics, see also the R for Mass Spectrometry initiative packages and the tutorial book. It provides more up-to-date packages and solutions for several of the tasks described below.
The reader is expected to have basic R knowledge to find the document helpful. There are numerous R introductions freely available, some of which are listed below.
From the R project web-page:
Relevant background on the R software and its application to computational biology in general and proteomics in particular can also be found in (Laurent Gatto and Christoforou 2013). For details about the Bioconductor project, the reader is referred to (Gentleman et al. 2004).
The Bioconductor offers many educational resources on its help page, in addition the package’s vignettes (vignettes are a requirement for Bioconductor packages). We want to draw the attention to the Bioconductor work flows that offer a cross-package overview about a specific topic. In particular, there is now a Mass spectrometry and proteomics data analysis work flow.
All R packages come with ample documentation. Every command
(function, class or method) a user is susceptible to use is documented.
The documentation can be accessed by preceding the command by a
in the R console. For example, to obtain help about the
function, that will be used in the next section,
one would type ?library
. In addition, all Bioconductor
packages come with at least one vignette (this document is the vignette
that comes with the RforProteomics
package), a document that combines text and R code that is executed
before the pdf is assembled. To look up all vignettes that come with a
package, say RforProteomics
and then open the vignette of interest, one uses the
function as illustrated below. More details can be
found in ?vignette
## list all the vignettes in the RforProteomics package
vignette(package = "RforProteomics")
## Open the vignette called RforProteomics
vignette("RforProteomics", package = "RforProteomics")
## or just
R has several mailing
lists. The most relevant here being the main R-help
list, for discussion about problem and solutions using R, ideal
for general R content and is not suitable for bioinformatics or
proteomics questions. Bioconductor also offers several resources
dedicated to bioinformatics matters and Bioconductor packages, in
particular the main Bioconductor support forum
for Bioconductor-related queries.
It is advised to read and comply to the posting guides
(and here
to maximise the chances to obtain good responses. It is important to
specify the software versions using the sessionInfo()
functions (see an example output at the end of this document. It the
question involves some code, make sure to isolate the relevant portion
and report it with your question, trying to make your code/example
The package should be installed using as described below:
## only first time you install Bioconductor packages
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
## else
To install all dependencies and reproduce the code in the vignette, replace the last line in the code chunk above with:)
BiocManager::install("RforProteomics", dependencies = TRUE)
Finally, the package can be loaded with
## This is the 'RforProteomics' version 1.37.4.
## To get started, visit
## http://lgatto.github.com/RforProteomics/
## or, in R, open package vignettes by typing
## RforProteomics() # R/Bioc for proteomics overview
## RProtVis() # R/Bioc for proteomics visualisation
## For a full list of available documents:
## vignette(package='RforProteomics')
## Attaching package: 'RforProteomics'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## spectrum
See also the RforProteomics web page for more information on installation.
Some packages used in the document depend on external libraries that need to be installed prior to the R packages:
library is required. On Debian-based systems, for
instance, one needs to install the libnetcdf-dev
infrastructure on Linux. On
Debian-based systems, one needs to install
infrastructure. On
Debian-based systems, you one needs to install libcurl-dev
or libcurl4-openssl-dev
java program and thus requires Java 1.7 in order to work.The code in this document describes all the examples presented in
(Laurent Gatto and Christoforou 2013) and
can be copy, pasted and executed. It is however more convenient to have
it in a separate text file for better interaction with R to easily
modify and explore it. This can be achieved with the
function. One needs the Sweave source of this
document (a document combining the narration and the R code) and the
then specifically extracts the code chunks and
produces a clean R source file. If the package is installed, the
following code chunk will direct you to the
file containing all the annotated source
code contained in this document.
## gets the vignette source
rfile <- system.file("doc/RforProteomics.R",
package = "RforProteomics")
## [1] ""
The packages that we will depend on to execute the examples will be loaded in the respective sections. Here, we pre-load packages that provide general functionality used throughout the document.
library("RColorBrewer") ## Color palettes
library("ggplot2") ## Convenient and nice plotting
library("reshape2") ## Flexibly reshape data
The mzR package
(Chambers et al. 2012) provides a unified
interface to various mass spectrometry open formats. This code chunk,
taken from the openMSfile
documentation, illustrated how to
open a connection to an raw data file. The example mzML
data is taken from the msdata
data package. The code below would also be applicable to an
, mzData
or netCDF
## load the required packages
library("mzR") ## the software package
library("msdata") ## the data package
## below, we extract the releavant example file
## from the local 'msdata' installation
filepath <- system.file("microtofq", package = "msdata")
file <- list.files(filepath, pattern="MM14.mzML",
full.names=TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
## creates a commection to the mzML file
mz <- openMSfile(file)
## demonstraction of data access
## [1] "MM14.mzML"
## $scanCount
## [1] 112
## $lowMz
## [1] 0
## $highMz
## [1] 0
## $dStartTime
## [1] 270.334
## $dEndTime
## [1] 307.678
## $msLevels
## [1] 1
## $startTimeStamp
## [1] NA
## $manufacturer
## [1] "Unknown"
## $model
## [1] "instrument model"
## $ionisation
## [1] "electrospray ionization"
## $analyzer
## [1] "mass analyzer type"
## $detector
## [1] "detector type"
## $software
## [1] "so_in_0 "
## $sample
## [1] "MM14_20uMsa_0"
## $source
## [1] ""
## once finished, it is good to explicitely
## close the connection
mzR is used by other packages, like MSnbase (L. Gatto and Lilley 2012), TargetSearch (Cuadros-Inostroza et al. 2009) and xcms (Smith et al. 2006, Benton2008, Tautenhahn2008), that provide a higher level abstraction to the data.
The mzR package
also provides very fast access to mzIdentML
data by
leveraging proteowizard’s C++
file <- system.file("mzid", "Tandem.mzid.gz", package="msdata")
mzid <- openIDfile(file)
## Identification file handle.
## Filename: Tandem.mzid.gz
## Number of psms: 171
Once and mzRident
identification file handle has been
established, various data and metadata can be extracted, as illustrated
## [1] "xtandem x! tandem CYCLONE (2010.06.01.5) "
## [2] "ProteoWizard MzIdentML 3.0.21263 ProteoWizard"
## name nTermGain cTermGain minDistance missedCleavages
## 1 Trypsin H OH 0 1
## [1] "spectrumID" "chargeState"
## [3] "rank" "passThreshold"
## [5] "experimentalMassToCharge" "calculatedMassToCharge"
## [7] "sequence" "peptideRef"
## [9] "modNum" "isDecoy"
## [11] "post" "pre"
## [13] "start" "end"
## [15] "DatabaseAccess" "DBseqLength"
## [17] "DatabaseSeq" "DatabaseDescription"
## [19] "spectrum.title" "acquisitionNum"
## spectrumID chargeState rank passThreshold experimentalMassToCharge
## 1 index=12 3 1 FALSE 903.7209
## 2 index=285 3 1 FALSE 792.3792
## 3 index=83 3 1 FALSE 792.5295
## 4 index=21 3 1 FALSE 850.0782
## 5 index=198 3 1 FALSE 527.2592
## 6 index=13 2 1 FALSE 724.8816
## calculatedMassToCharge sequence
## 6 724.3771 HAVGGRYSSLLCK
## peptideRef modNum isDecoy post pre
## 1 LCYIALDFDEEMKAAEDSSDIEK_15.9949@M$12;_57.0215@C$2;_ 2 FALSE S K
## 5 GVGGAIVLVLYDEMK_15.9949@M$14;__ 1 FALSE R R
## 6 HAVGGRYSSLLCK__57.0215@C$12;_ 1 TRUE D K
## start
## 1 217
## 2 292
## 3 292
## 4 842
## 5 297
## 6 392
The mzID package
allows to load and manipulate MS2 data in the mzIdentML
format. The main mzID
function reads such a file and
constructs an instance of class mzID
mzids <- list.files(system.file('extdata', package = 'mzID'),
pattern = '*.mzid', full.names = TRUE)
## [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/55merge_omssa.mzid"
## [2] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/55merge_tandem.mzid"
## [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/Mascot_MSMS_example.mzid"
## [4] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/Mascot_MSMS_example1.0.mzid"
## [5] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/Mascot_NA_example.mzid"
## [6] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/mascot_pmf_example.mzid"
## [7] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/Mascot_top_down_example.mzid"
## [8] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/MPC_example_Multiple_search_engines.mzid"
## [9] "/usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/mzID/extdata/Sequest_example_ver1.1.mzid"
id <- mzID(mzids[1])
## reading 55merge_omssa.mzid... DONE!
## An mzID object
## Software used: OMSSA (version: NA)
## Rawfile: D:/TestSpace/NeoTestMarch2011/55merge.mgf
## Database: D:/Software/Databases/Neospora_3rndTryp/Neo_rndTryp_3times.fasta
## Number of scans: 39
## Number of PSM's: 99
Multiple files can be parsed in one go, possibly in parallel if the environment supports it. When this is done an mzIDCollection object is returned:
ids <- mzID(mzids[1:2])
## An mzIDCollection object containing 2 samples
Peptides, scans, parameters, … can be extracted with the respective
, scans
, parameters
, …
functions. The mzID
object can also be converted into a
using the flatten
## [1] "spectrumid" "spectrum title"
## [3] "acquisitionnum" "passthreshold"
## [5] "rank" "calculatedmasstocharge"
## [7] "experimentalmasstocharge" "chargestate"
## [9] "omssa:evalue" "omssa:pvalue"
## [11] "isdecoy" "post"
## [13] "pre" "end"
## [15] "start" "accession"
## [17] "length" "description"
## [19] "pepseq" "modified"
## [21] "modification" "idFile"
## [23] "spectrumFile" "databaseFile"
## [1] 101 24
MSnbase (L. Gatto and Lilley 2012) provides base functions and classes for MS-based proteomics that allow facile data and meta-data processing, manipulation and plotting (see for instance figure below).
## uses a simple dummy test included in the package
mzXML <- dir(system.file(package="MSnbase",dir="extdata"),
## [1] "dummyiTRAQ.mzXML"
## reads the raw data into and MSnExp instance
raw <- readMSData(mzXML, verbose = FALSE, centroided = TRUE)
## MSn experiment data ("MSnExp")
## Object size in memory: 0.18 Mb
## - - - Spectra data - - -
## MS level(s): 2
## Number of spectra: 5
## MSn retention times: 25:01 - 25:02 minutes
## - - - Processing information - - -
## Data loaded: Fri Apr 21 13:25:33 2023
## MSnbase version: 2.25.2
## - - - Meta data - - -
## phenoData
## rowNames: dummyiTRAQ.mzXML
## varLabels: sampleNames
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## Loaded from:
## dummyiTRAQ.mzXML
## protocolData: none
## featureData
## featureNames: F1.S1 F1.S2 ... F1.S5 (5 total)
## fvarLabels: spectrum
## fvarMetadata: labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Extract a single spectrum
## Object of class "Spectrum2"
## Precursor: 645.3741
## Retention time: 25:02
## Charge: 2
## MSn level: 2
## Peaks count: 2125
## Total ion count: 150838188
The plot
method can be used on experiments, i.e. spectrum
collections (top), or individual spectra (bottom).
read/write support
Read and write support for data in the mgf
and mzTab
formats are available via the
respectively. An example for the latter is shown in the next
As an running example throughout this document, we will use a TMT
6-plex data set, PXD000001
to illustrate quantitative data
processing. The code chunk below first downloads this data file from the
ProteomeXchange server using the rpx
The first code chunk downloads the mzTab
data from the
ProteomeXchange repository (Vizcaino et al.
## Loading PXD000001 from cache.
## Project PXD000001 with 11 files
## Resource ID BFC1 in cache in /github/home/.cache/R/rpx.
## [1] 'F063721.dat' ... [11] 'erwinia_carotovora.fasta'
## Use 'pxfiles(.)' to see all files.
## Project PXD000001 files (11):
## [remote] F063721.dat
## [local] F063721.dat-mztab.txt
## [remote] PRIDE_Exp_Complete_Ac_22134.xml.gz
## [remote] PRIDE_Exp_mzData_Ac_22134.xml.gz
## [remote] PXD000001_mztab.txt
## [remote] README.txt
## [local] TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01-20141210.mzML
## [remote] TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01-20141210.mzXML
## [local] TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzXML
## [remote] TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.raw
## ...
## Downloading the mzTab data
mztab <- pxget(px1, "F063721.dat-mztab.txt")
## Loading F063721.dat-mztab.txt from cache.
## [1] "/github/home/.cache/R/rpx/552313182fae_F063721.dat-mztab.txt"
The code below loads the mzTab
file into R and generates
an MSnSet
instance1, removes missing values and calculates
protein intensities by summing the peptide quantitation data. The figure
below illustrates the intensities for 5 proteins.
## Load mzTab peptide data
qnt <- readMzTabData(mztab, what = "PEP", version = "0.9")
## Warning: Version 0.9 is deprecated. Please see '?readMzTabData' and '?MzTab'
## for details.
sampleNames(qnt) <- reporterNames(TMT6)
## TMT6.126 TMT6.127 TMT6.128 TMT6.129 TMT6.130 TMT6.131
## 1 10630132 11238708 12424917 10997763 9928972 10398534
## 2 11105690 12403253 13160903 12229367 11061660 10131218
## 3 1183431 1322371 1599088 1243715 1306602 1159064
## 4 5384958 5508454 6883086 6136023 5626680 5213771
## 5 18033537 17926487 21052620 19810368 17381162 17268329
## 6 9873585 10299931 11142071 10258214 9664315 9518271
## remove missing values
qnt <- filterNA(qnt)
## - - - Processing information - - -
## mzTab read: Fri Apr 21 13:25:35 2023
## Subset [1528,6][1528,6] Fri Apr 21 13:25:35 2023
## Removed features with more than 0 NAs: Fri Apr 21 13:25:35 2023
## Dropped featureData's levels Fri Apr 21 13:25:35 2023
## MSnbase version: 2.25.2
## combine into proteins
## - using the 'accession' feature meta data
## - sum the peptide intensities
protqnt <- combineFeatures(qnt,
groupBy = fData(qnt)$accession,
method = sum)
cls <- brewer.pal(5, "Set1")
matplot(t(tail(exprs(protqnt), n = 5)), type = "b",
lty = 1, col = cls,
ylab = "Protein intensity (summed peptides)",
xlab = "TMT reporters")
legend("topright", tail(featureNames(protqnt), n=5),
lty = 1, bty = "n", cex = .8, col = cls)
Protein quantitation data.
qntS <- normalise(qnt, "sum")
qntV <- normalise(qntS, "vsn")
qntV2 <- normalise(qnt, "vsn")
acc <- c("P00489", "P00924",
"P02769", "P62894",
idx <- sapply(acc, grep, fData(qnt)$accession)
idx2 <- sapply(idx, head, 3)
small <- qntS[unlist(idx2), ]
idx3 <- sapply(idx, head, 10)
medium <- qntV[unlist(idx3), ]
m <- exprs(medium)
colnames(m) <- c("126", "127", "128",
"129", "130", "131")
rownames(m) <- fData(medium)$accession
rownames(m)[grep("CYC", rownames(m))] <- "CYT"
rownames(m)[grep("ENO", rownames(m))] <- "ENO"
rownames(m)[grep("ALB", rownames(m))] <- "BSA"
rownames(m)[grep("PYGM", rownames(m))] <- "PHO"
rownames(m)[grep("ECA", rownames(m))] <- "Background"
cls <- c(brewer.pal(length(unique(rownames(m)))-1, "Set1"),
names(cls) <- unique(rownames(m))
wbcol <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkblue"))(256)
A heatmap.
dfr <- data.frame(exprs(small),
Protein = as.character(fData(small)$accession),
Feature = featureNames(small),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(dfr) <- c("126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131",
"Protein", "Feature")
dfr$Protein[dfr$Protein == "sp|P00924|ENO1_YEAST"] <- "ENO"
dfr$Protein[dfr$Protein == "sp|P62894|CYC_BOVIN"] <- "CYT"
dfr$Protein[dfr$Protein == "sp|P02769|ALBU_BOVIN"] <- "BSA"
dfr$Protein[dfr$Protein == "sp|P00489|PYGM_RABIT"] <- "PHO"
dfr$Protein[grep("ECA", dfr$Protein)] <- "Background"
dfr2 <- melt(dfr)
## Using Protein, Feature as id variables
ggplot(aes(x = variable, y = value, colour = Protein),
data = dfr2) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(group=as.factor(Feature)), alpha = 0.5) +
facet_grid(. ~ Protein) + theme(legend.position="none") +
labs(x = "Reporters", y = "Normalised intensity")
Spikes plot using r CRANpkg('ggplot2')
It is possible to import any arbitrary text-based spreadsheet as
MSnSet object using either readMSnSet
. The former takes three spreadsheets as input
(for the expression data and the feature and sample meta-data). The
latter uses a single spreadsheet and a vector of expression columns to
populate the assay data and the feature meta-data. Detailed examples are
provided in the MSnbase-io
vignette, that can be consulted
from R with vignette("MSnbase-io")
or online.
We reuse our dedicated px1
ProteomeXchange data object
to download the raw data (in mzXML
format) and load it with
the readMSData
from the MSnbase
package that produces a raw data experiment object of class
(a new on-disk infrastructure is now
available to access the raw data on disk on demand, rather than loading
it all in memory, enabling the management of more and larger files - see
the benchmarking
vignette in the MSnbase
package for details). The raw data is then quantified using the
method specifying the TMT 6-plex isobaric tags and
a 7th peak of interest corresponding to the un-dissociated reporter tag
peaks (see the MSnbase-demo
vignette in MSnbase
for details).
mzxml <- pxget(px1, "TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzXML")
## Loading TMT_Erwinia_1uLSike_Top10HCD_isol2_45stepped_60min_01.mzXML from cache.
rawms <- readMSData(mzxml, centroided = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
qntms <- quantify(rawms, reporters = TMT7, method = "max")
## MSnSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 6103 features, 7 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: TMT7.126 TMT7.127 ... TMT7.230 (7 total)
## varLabels: mz reporters
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData
## featureNames: F1.S0001 F1.S0002 ... F1.S6103 (6103 total)
## fvarLabels: spectrum fileIdx ... collision.energy (12 total)
## fvarMetadata: labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation: No annotation
## - - - Processing information - - -
## Data loaded: Fri Apr 21 13:26:14 2023
## TMT7 quantification by max: Fri Apr 21 13:27:46 2023
## MSnbase version: 2.25.2
Identification data in the mzIdentML
format can be added
to MSnExp
or MSnSet
instances with the
function. See the function
documentation for examples.
d <- data.frame(Signal = rowSums(exprs(qntms)[, 1:6]),
Incomplete = exprs(qntms)[, 7])
d <- log(d)
cls <- rep("#00000050", nrow(qnt))
pch <- rep(1, nrow(qnt))
cls[grep("P02769", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- "gold4" ## BSA
cls[grep("P00924", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- "dodgerblue" ## ENO
cls[grep("P62894", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- "springgreen4" ## CYT
cls[grep("P00489", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- "darkorchid2" ## PHO
pch[grep("P02769", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- 19
pch[grep("P00924", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- 19
pch[grep("P62894", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- 19
pch[grep("P00489", fData(qnt)$accession)] <- 19
mzp <- plotMzDelta(rawms, reporters = TMT6, verbose = FALSE) + ggtitle("")
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_vline()`).
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`).
A m/z delta plot.
plot(Signal ~ Incomplete, data = d,
xlab = expression(Incomplete~dissociation),
ylab = expression(Sum~of~reporters~intensities),
pch = 19,
col = "#4582B380")
abline(0, 1, lty = "dotted")
abline(lm(Signal ~ Incomplete, data = d), col = "darkblue")
Incomplete dissociation.
MAplot(qnt[, c(4, 2)], cex = .9, col = cls, pch = pch, show.statistics = FALSE)
MAplot on an MSnSet
This section illustrates some of MALDIquant’s
data processing capabilities (Gibb and Strimmer
2012). The code is taken from the processing-peaks.R
script downloaded from the package
## load packages
## getting test data
datapath <-
package = "readBrukerFlexData"),
## [1] "0_A1" "0_A2"
sA1 <- importBrukerFlex(datapath, verbose=FALSE)
# in the following we use only the first spectrum
s <- sA1[[1]]
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 999.9 2373.3 4331.4 4721.3 6874.2 10001.9
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 4 180 1562 2841 4656 32594
## mass intensity
## [1,] 999.9388 11278
## [2,] 1000.1316 11350
## [3,] 1000.3244 10879
## [4,] 1000.5173 10684
## [5,] 1000.7101 10740
## [6,] 1000.9030 10947
Spectrum plotting in r CRANpkg('MALDIquant')
## sqrt transform (for variance stabilization)
s2 <- transformIntensity(s, method="sqrt")
## S4 class type : MassSpectrum
## Number of m/z values : 22431
## Range of m/z values : 999.939 - 10001.925
## Range of intensity values: 2e+00 - 1.805e+02
## Memory usage : 361.602 KiB
## Name : 2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1.A1
## File : /usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/readBrukerFlexData/Examples/2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1/0_A1/1/1SLin/fid
## smoothing - 5 point moving average
s3 <- smoothIntensity(s2, method="MovingAverage", halfWindowSize=2)
## S4 class type : MassSpectrum
## Number of m/z values : 22431
## Range of m/z values : 999.939 - 10001.925
## Range of intensity values: 3.606e+00 - 1.792e+02
## Memory usage : 361.602 KiB
## Name : 2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1.A1
## File : /usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/readBrukerFlexData/Examples/2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1/0_A1/1/1SLin/fid
## baseline subtraction
s4 <- removeBaseline(s3, method="SNIP")
## S4 class type : MassSpectrum
## Number of m/z values : 22431
## Range of m/z values : 999.939 - 10001.925
## Range of intensity values: 0e+00 - 1.404e+02
## Memory usage : 361.602 KiB
## Name : 2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1.A1
## File : /usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library/readBrukerFlexData/Examples/2010_05_19_Gibb_C8_A1/0_A1/1/1SLin/fid
## peak picking
p <- detectPeaks(s4)
length(p) # 181
## [1] 186
peak.data <- as.matrix(p) # extract peak information
xl <- range(mass(s))
# use same xlim on all plots for better comparison
plot(s, sub="", main="1: raw", xlim=xl)
plot(s2, sub="", main="2: variance stabilisation", xlim=xl)
plot(s3, sub="", main="3: smoothing", xlim=xl)
plot(s4, sub="", main="4: base line correction", xlim=xl)
plot(s4, sub="", main="5: peak detection", xlim=xl)
top20 <- intensity(p) %in% sort(intensity(p), decreasing=TRUE)[1:20]
labelPeaks(p, index=top20, underline=TRUE)
plot(p, sub="", main="6: peak plot", xlim=xl)
labelPeaks(p, index=top20, underline=TRUE)
Spectrum plotting in r CRANpkg('MALDIquant')
atoms <- getAtomsFromSeq("SIVPSGASTGVHEALEMR")
## C H N O S
## 77 129 23 27 1
## $formula
## [1] "C77H129N23O27S"
## $score
## [1] 1
## $exactmass
## [1] 1839.915
## $charge
## [1] 0
## $parity
## [1] "e"
## $valid
## [1] "Valid"
## $DBE
## [1] 25
## $isotopes
## $isotopes[[1]]
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 1839.9148973 1840.9177412 1841.9196777 1.842921e+03 1.843923e+03
## [2,] 0.3427348 0.3353456 0.1960976 8.474135e-02 2.952833e-02
## [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,] 1.844925e+03 1.845927e+03 1.846928e+03 1.847930e+03 1.848932e+03
## [2,] 8.691735e-03 2.226358e-03 5.066488e-04 1.040196e-04 1.949686e-05
## Loading required package: grid
## Attaching package: 'grid'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biostrings':
## pattern
simplottest <-
itraqdata[featureNames(itraqdata) %in% paste0("X", 46:47)]
sim <- SpectrumSimilarity(as(simplottest[[1]], "data.frame"),
as(simplottest[[2]], "data.frame"),
top.lab = "itraqdata[['X46']]",
bottom.lab = "itraqdata[['X47']]",
b = 25)
title(main = paste("Spectrum similarity", round(sim, 3)))
MonoisotopicMass(formula = list(C = 2, O = 1, H=6))
## [1] 46.04186
molecule <- getMolecule("C2H5OH")
## [1] 46.04186
## x11()
## plot(t(.pepmol$isotopes[[1]]), type = "h")
## x <- IsotopicDistribution(formula = list(C = 2, O = 1, H=6))
## t(molecule$isotopes[[1]])
## par(mfrow = c(2,1))
## plot(t(molecule$isotopes[[1]]), type = "h")
## plot(x[, c(1,3)], type = "h")
## data(myo500)
## masses <- c(147.053, 148.056)
## intensities <- c(93, 5.8)
## molecules <- decomposeIsotopes(masses, intensities)
## experimental eno peptides
exppep <-
as.character(fData(qnt[grep("ENO", fData(qnt)[, 2]), ])[, 1]) ## 13
minlength <- min(nchar(exppep))
if (!file.exists("P00924.fasta"))
eno <- download.file("http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P00924.fasta",
destfile = "P00924.fasta")
eno <- paste(readLines("P00924.fasta")[-1], collapse = "")
enopep <- Digest(eno, missed = 1)
nrow(enopep) ## 103
## [1] 103
## [1] 68
## [1] 13
The following code chunks demonstrate how to use the cleaver package for in-silico cleavage of polypeptides, e.g. cleaving of Gastric juice peptide 1 (P01358) using Trypsin:
## [1] "LAAGK" "VEDSD"
Sometimes cleavage is not perfect and the enzym miss some cleavage positions:
## miss one cleavage position
cleave("LAAGKVEDSD", enzym = "trypsin", missedCleavages = 1)
## miss zero or one cleavage positions
cleave("LAAGKVEDSD", enzym = "trypsin", missedCleavages = 0:1)
Example code to generate an Texshade image to be included directly in a Latex document or R vignette is presented below. The R code generates a Texshade environment and the annotated sequence display code that is written to a TeX file that can itself be included into a LaTeX or Sweave document.
seq1file <- "seq1.tex"
\\noblockskip\n", file = seq1file)
tmp <- sapply(1:nrow(pepcnt), function(i) {
col <- ifelse((i %% 2) == 0, "Blue", "RoyalBlue")
cat("\\shaderegion{1}{", pepcnt$start[i], "..", pepcnt$stop[i], "}{White}{", col, "}\n",
file = seq1file, append = TRUE)
\\caption{Visualising observed peptides for the Yeast enolase protein. Peptides are shaded in blue and black.
The last peptide is a mis-cleavage and overlaps with \`IEEELGDNAVFAGENFHHGDK`.}
\ {#fig:seq}
file = seq1file, append = TRUE)
## 15N incorporation rates from 0, 0.1, ..., 0.9, 0.95, 1
incrate <- c(seq(0, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95, 1)
inc <- lapply(incrate, function(inc)
IsotopicDistributionN("YEVQGEVFTKPQLWP", inc))
par(mfrow = c(4,3))
for (i in 1:length(inc))
plot(inc[[i]][, c(1, 3)], xlim = c(1823, 1848), type = "h",
main = paste0("15N incorporation at ", incrate[i]*100, "%"))
Isotopic envelope for the YEVQGEVFTKPQLWP
peptide at
different N15 incorporation rates
The isobar package (Breitwieser et al. 2011) provides methods for the statistical analysis of isobarically tagged MS2 experiments. Please refer to the package vignette for more details.
The DEP package
supports analysis of label-free and TMT pipelines using, as described in
its vignette. These can be used with MSnSet
objects by
converting them to/from SummarizedExperiment
## Loading required namespace: SummarizedExperiment
## class: SummarizedExperiment
## dim: 55 4
## metadata(3): MSnbaseFiles MSnbaseProcessing MSnbaseVersion
## assays(1): ''
## rownames(55): X1 X10 ... X8 X9
## rowData names(15): spectrum ProteinAccession ... acquisition.number
## collision.energy
## colnames(4): iTRAQ4.114 iTRAQ4.115 iTRAQ4.116 iTRAQ4.117
## colData names(2): mz reporters
ms <- as(se, "MSnSet")
## MSnSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 55 features, 4 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: iTRAQ4.114 iTRAQ4.115 iTRAQ4.116 iTRAQ4.117
## varLabels: mz reporters
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData
## featureNames: X1 X10 ... X9 (55 total)
## fvarLabels: spectrum ProteinAccession ... collision.energy (15 total)
## fvarMetadata: labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
## - - - Processing information - - -
## MSnbase version: 2.25.2
The synapter
(Bond et al. 2013) package comes with a
detailed vignette that describes how to prepare the MSE data and then
process it in R. Several interfaces are available provided the user with
maximum control, easy batch processing capabilities or a graphical user
interface. The conversion into MSnSet
instances and filter
and combination thereof as well as statistical analysis are also
## open the synapter vignette
The main purpose of MSnID package is to make sure that the peptide and protein identifications resulting from MS/MS searches are sufficiently confident for a given application.} MS/MS peptide and protein identification is a process that prone to uncertanities. A typical and currently most reliable way to quantify uncertainty in the list of identify spectra, peptides or proteins relies on so-called decoy database. For bottom-up (i.e. involving protein digestion) approaches a common way to construct a decoy database is simple inversion of protein amino-acid sequences. If the spectrum matches to normal protein sequence it can be true or false match. Matches to decoy part of the database are false only (excluding the palindromes). Therefore the false discovery rate (FDR) of identifications can be estimated as ratio of hits to decoy over normal parts of the protein sequence database. There are multiple levels of identification that FDR can be estimated for. First, is at the level of peptide/protein- to-spectrum matches. Second is at the level of unique peptide sequences. Note, true peptides tend to be identified by more then one spectrum. False peptide tend to be sporadic. Therefore, after collapsing the redundant peptide identifications from multiple spectra to the level of unique peptide sequence, the FDR typically increases. The extend of FDR increase depends on the type and complexity of the sample. The same trend is true for estimating the identification FDR at the protein level. True proteins tend to be identified with multiple peptides, while false protein identifications are commonly covered only by one peptide. Therefore FDR estimate tend to be even higher for protein level compare to peptide level. The estimation of the FDR is also affected by the number of LC-MS (runs) datasets in the experiment. Again, true identifications tend to be more consistent from run to run, while false are sporadic. After collapsing the redundancy across the runs, the number of true identification reduces much stronger compare to false identifications. Therefore, the peptide and protein FDR estimates need to be re-evaluated. The main objective of the MSnID package is to provide convenience tools for handling tasks on estimation of FDR, defining and optimizing the filtering criteria and ensuring confidence in MS/MS identification data. The user can specify the criteria for filtering the data (e.g. goodness or p-value of matching of experimental and theoretical fragmentation mass spectrum, deviation of theoretical from experimentally measured mass, presence of missed cleavages in the peptide sequence, etc), evaluate the performance of the filter judging by FDRs at spectrum, peptide and protein levels, and finally optimize the filter to achieve the maximum number of identifications while not exceeding maximally allowed FDR upper threshold.
To start a project one have to specify a directory. Currently the only use of the directory is for storing cached results.
## Attaching package: 'MSnID'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ProtGenerics':
## peptides
msnid <- MSnID(".")
## Note, the anticipated/suggested columns in the
## peptide-to-spectrum matching results are:
## -----------------------------------------------
## accession
## calculatedMassToCharge
## chargeState
## experimentalMassToCharge
## isDecoy
## peptide
## spectrumFile
## spectrumID
Data can imported as data.frame
or read from mzIdentML
PSMresults <- read.delim(system.file("extdata", "human_brain.txt",
psms(msnid) <- PSMresults
## MSnID object
## Working directory: "."
## #Spectrum Files: 1
## #PSMs: 767 at 49 % FDR
## #peptides: 687 at 57 % FDR
## #accessions: 665 at 65 % FDR
mzids <- system.file("extdata", "c_elegans.mzid.gz", package="MSnID")
msnid <- read_mzIDs(msnid, mzids)
## Reading from mzIdentMLs ...
## reading c_elegans.mzid.gz...
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## Warning in type.convert.default(...): 'as.is' should be specified by the
## caller; using TRUE
## DONE!
## MSnID object
## Working directory: "."
## #Spectrum Files: 1
## #PSMs: 12263 at 36 % FDR
## #peptides: 9489 at 44 % FDR
## #accessions: 7414 at 76 % FDR
A particular properties of peptide sequences we are interested in are
A particular properties of peptide sequences we are interested in are (1) irregular cleavages at the termini of the peptides and (2) missing cleavage site within the peptide sequences:
column.The default regular expressions for the
and missedCleavagePattern
correspond to trypsin specificity.
msnid <- assess_termini(msnid, validCleavagePattern="[KR]\\.[^P]")
msnid <- assess_missed_cleavages(msnid, missedCleavagePattern="[KR](?=[^P$])")
## 0 1 2
## 0.801574390 0.189294149 0.009131462
Now the object has two more columns, numIrregCleavages
and numMissCleavages
, evidently corresponding to the number
of termini with irregular cleavages and number of missed cleavages
within the peptide sequence. The figure below shows that peptides with 2
or more missed cleavages are likely to be false identifications.
pepCleav <- unique(psms(msnid)[,c("numMissCleavages", "isDecoy", "peptide")])
pepCleav <- as.data.frame(table(pepCleav[,c("numMissCleavages", "isDecoy")]))
ggplot(pepCleav, aes(x=numMissCleavages, y=Freq, fill=isDecoy)) +
geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge') +
ggtitle("Number of Missed Cleavages")
The criteria that will be used for filtering the MS/MS data has to be
present in the MSnID
object. We will use -log10 transformed
MS-GF+ Spectrum E-value, reflecting the goodness of match experimental
and theoretical fragmentation patterns as one the filtering criteria.
Let’s store it under the “msmsScore” name. The score density
distribution shows that it is a good discriminant between non-decoy
(red) and decoy hits (green).
For alternative MS/MS search engines refer to the engine-specific
manual for the names of parameters reflecting the quality of MS/MS
spectra matching. Examples of such parameters are E-Value
for X!Tandem and XCorr
and $\Delta$Cn2
As a second criterion we will be using the absolute mass measurement error (in ppm units) of the parent ion. The mass measurement errors tend to be small for non-decoy (enriched with real identificaiton) hits (red line) and is effectively uniformly distributed for decoy hits.
msnid$msmsScore <- -log10(msnid$`MS-GF:SpecEValue`)
msnid$absParentMassErrorPPM <- abs(mass_measurement_error(msnid))
MS/MS fiters are handled by a special MSnIDFilter class
objects. Individual filtering criteria can be set by name (that is
present in names(msnid)
), comparison operator (>, <,
= , …) defining if we should retain hits with higher or lower given the
threshold and finally the threshold value itself. The filter below set
in such a way that retains only those matches that has less then 5 ppm
of parent ion mass measurement error and more the \(10^7\) MS-GF:SpecEValue.
filtObj <- MSnIDFilter(msnid)
filtObj$absParentMassErrorPPM <- list(comparison="<", threshold=5.0)
filtObj$msmsScore <- list(comparison=">", threshold=8.0)
## MSnIDFilter object
## (absParentMassErrorPPM < 5) & (msmsScore > 8)
The stringency of the filter can be evaluated at different levels.
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj, level="PSM")
## fdr n
## PSM 0.00272745 5147
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj, level="peptide")
## fdr n
## peptide 0.00424371 3313
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj, level="accession")
## fdr n
## accession 0.01770658 1207
The threshold values in the example above are not necessarily optimal and set just be in the range of probable values. Filters can be optimized to ensure maximum number of identifications (peptide-to-spectrum matches, unique peptide sequences or proteins) within a given FDR upper limit.
First, the filter can be optimized simply by stepping through
individual parameters and their combinations. The idea has been
described in (Piehowski et al. 2013). The
resulting MSnIDFilter
object can be used for final data
filtering or can be used as a good starting parameters for follow-up
refining optimizations with more advanced algorithms.
filtObj.grid <- optimize_filter(filtObj, msnid, fdr.max=0.01,
method="Grid", level="peptide",
## MSnIDFilter object
## (absParentMassErrorPPM < 10) & (msmsScore > 7.8)
The resulting filtObj.grid
can be further fine tuned
with such optimization routines as simulated annealing or Nelder-Mead
filtObj.nm <- optimize_filter(filtObj.grid, msnid, fdr.max=0.01,
method="Nelder-Mead", level="peptide",
## MSnIDFilter object
## (absParentMassErrorPPM < 10) & (msmsScore > 7.8)
Evaluate non-optimized and optimized filters.
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj, level="peptide")
## fdr n
## peptide 0.00424371 3313
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj.grid, level="peptide")
## fdr n
## peptide 0.009220702 3393
evaluate_filter(msnid, filtObj.nm, level="peptide")
## fdr n
## peptide 0.009777778 3408
Finally applying filter to remove predominantly false identifications.
msnid <- apply_filter(msnid, filtObj.nm)
## MSnID object
## Working directory: "."
## #Spectrum Files: 1
## #PSMs: 5288 at 0.63 % FDR
## #peptides: 3408 at 0.98 % FDR
## #accessions: 1253 at 3.8 % FDR
Removing hits to decoy and contaminant sequences using the same
msnid <- apply_filter(msnid, "isDecoy == FALSE")
## MSnID object
## Working directory: "."
## #Spectrum Files: 1
## #PSMs: 5255 at 0 % FDR
## #peptides: 3375 at 0 % FDR
## #accessions: 1207 at 0 % FDR
msnid <- apply_filter(msnid, "!grepl('Contaminant',accession)")
## MSnID object
## Working directory: "."
## #Spectrum Files: 1
## #PSMs: 5246 at 0 % FDR
## #peptides: 3368 at 0 % FDR
## #accessions: 1205 at 0 % FDR
One can extract the entire PSMs tables as data.frame
If only interested in the non-redundant list of confidently identified peptides or proteins
prots <- accessions(msnid)
## [1] "CE02347" "CE07055" "CE12728" "CE36358" "CE36359" "CE36360"
## [1] "CE02347" "CE07055" "CE12728" "CE36358" "CE36359" "CE36360"
The MSnID package is aimed at providing convenience functionality to handle MS/MS identifications. Quantification per se is outside of the scope of the package. The only type of quantitation that can be seamlessly tied with MS/MS identification analysis is so-called spectral counting approach. In such an approach a peptide abundance is considered to be directly proportional to the number of matched MS/MS spectra. In its turn protein abunance is proportional to the sum of the number of spectra of the matching peptides. The MSnID object can be converted to an MSnSet object defined in MSnbase that extends generic Bioconductor eSet class to quantitative proteomics data. The spectral count data can be analyzed with msmsEDA, msmsTests or DESeq packages.
## peptide
## accession
## -.MFSNLFIFL.V CE21589
## c_elegans_A_3_1_21Apr10_Draco_10-03-04_dta.txt
Note, the convertion from MSnID
to MSnSet
uses peptides as features. The number of redundant peptide observations
represent so-called spectral count that can be used for rough
quantitative analysis. Summing of all of the peptide counts to a
proteins level can be done with combineFeatures
from MSnbase
msnset <- combineFeatures(msnset,
## Warning: Parameter 'fun' is deprecated. Please use 'method' instead
## peptide accession
## CE00078 K.RLPVAPR.G CE00078
## CE00134 I.PAEVAEHLK.A CE00134
## c_elegans_A_3_1_21Apr10_Draco_10-03-04_dta.txt
## CE00078 1.0
## CE00103 1.0
## CE00134 1.0
## CE00209 2.0
## CE00302 1.0
## CE00318 2.2
Quality control (QC) is an essential part of any high throughput data driven approach. Bioconductor has a rich history of QC for various genomics data and currently two packages support proteomics QC.
proteoQC provides a dedicated a dedicated pipeline that will produce a dynamic and extensive html report. It uses the rTANDEM package to automate the generation of identification data and uses information about the experimental/replication design.
The qcmetrics package is a general framework to define QC metrics and bundle them together to generate html or pdf reports. It provides some ready made metrics for MS data and N15 labelled data.
In this section, we briefly present some Bioconductor annotation infrastructure.
We start with the hpar
package, an interface to the Human Protein Atlas (Uhlén et al. 2005, Uhlen2010), to retrieve
subcellular localisation information for the
ensemble gene.
id <- "ENSG00000105323"
subcell <- hpaSubcellularLoc()
## see ?hpar and browseVignettes('hpar') for documentation
## loading from cache
subset(subcell, Gene == id)
## Gene Gene.name Reliability Main.location Additional.location
## 2357 ENSG00000105323 HNRNPUL1 Enhanced Nucleoplasm
## Extracellular.location Enhanced Supported Approved Uncertain
## 2357 Nucleoplasm
## Single.cell.variation.intensity Single.cell.variation.spatial
## 2357
## Cell.cycle.dependency GO.id
## 2357 Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654)
Below, we make use of the human annotation package org.Hs.eg.db and the Gene Ontology annotation package GO.db to retrieve compatible information with above.
ans <- AnnotationDbi::select(org.Hs.eg.db,
keys = id,
columns = c("ENSEMBL", "GO", "ONTOLOGY"),
keytype = "ENSEMBL")
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
ans <- ans[ans$ONTOLOGY == "CC", ]
## 3 ENSG00000105323 GO:0005634 IDA CC
## 4 ENSG00000105323 GO:0005654 IBA CC
## 5 ENSG00000105323 GO:0005654 IDA CC
## 6 ENSG00000105323 GO:0005654 TAS CC
## 10 ENSG00000105323 GO:0045202 IEA CC
## 11 ENSG00000105323 GO:1990904 IEA CC
## GO:0005634 GO:0005654
## "nucleus" "nucleoplasm"
## GO:0005654 GO:0005654
## "nucleoplasm" "nucleoplasm"
## GO:0045202 GO:1990904
## "synapse" "ribonucleoprotein complex"
Finally, this information can also be retrieved from on-line databases using the biomaRt package (Durinck et al. 2005).
efilter <- "ensembl_gene_id"
eattr <- c("go_id", "name_1006", "namespace_1003")
bmres <- getBM(attributes=eattr, filters = efilter, values = id, mart = ensembl)
bmres[bmres$namespace_1003 == "cellular_component", "name_1006"]
## [1] "nucleoplasm" "nucleus"
## [3] "ribonucleoprotein complex" "synapse"
This section provides a complete list of packages available in the
relevant Bioconductor version 3.17 biocView
categories. the tables below represent the packages for the
(168 packages), MassSpectrometry
(128 packages) and MassSpectrometryData
(25 experiment
packages) categories.
The tables can easily be generated with the
, massSpectrometryPackages
and massSpectrometryDataPackages
functions. The respective
package tables can then be interactively explored using the
pp <- proteomicsPackages()
The CRAN task view on Chemometrics and Computational Physics is another useful ressource listing additional packages, including a set of packages for mass spectrometry and proteomics, some of which are illustrated in this document.
Suggestions for additional R packages are welcome and will be added to the vignette. Please send suggestions and possibly a short description and/or a example utilisation with code to the RforProteomics package maintainer. The only requirement is that the package must be available on an official package channel (CRAN, Bioconductor, R-forge, Omegahat), i.e. not only available through a personal web page.
All software and respective versions used in this document, as
returned by sessionInfo()
are detailed below.
## R version 4.3.0 beta (2023-04-12 r84240)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.20.so; LAPACK version 3.10.0
## locale:
## time zone: UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
## [8] methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] MSnID_1.33.0 cleaver_1.37.0 OrgMassSpecR_0.5-3
## [4] msdata_0.39.0 reshape2_1.4.4 ggplot2_3.4.2
## [7] RColorBrewer_1.1-3 RforProteomics_1.37.4 biomaRt_2.55.4
## [10] Rdisop_1.59.1 GO.db_3.17.0 org.Hs.eg.db_3.17.0
## [13] AnnotationDbi_1.61.2 BRAIN_1.45.0 lattice_0.21-8
## [16] Biostrings_2.67.2 GenomeInfoDb_1.35.17 XVector_0.39.0
## [19] IRanges_2.33.1 PolynomF_2.0-5 hpar_1.41.1
## [22] rols_2.27.0 MALDIquantForeign_0.13 MALDIquant_1.22.1
## [25] rpx_2.7.5 mzID_1.37.0 MSnbase_2.25.2
## [28] ProtGenerics_1.31.0 S4Vectors_0.37.7 Biobase_2.59.0
## [31] BiocGenerics_0.45.3 mzR_2.33.1 Rcpp_1.0.10
## [34] BiocManager_1.30.20 DT_0.27 BiocStyle_2.27.2
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] later_1.3.0 bitops_1.0-7
## [3] filelock_1.0.2 tibble_3.2.1
## [5] R.oo_1.25.0 preprocessCore_1.61.0
## [7] graph_1.77.3 XML_3.99-0.14
## [9] lifecycle_1.0.3 doParallel_1.0.17
## [11] rprojroot_2.0.3 MASS_7.3-58.4
## [13] crosstalk_1.2.0 magrittr_2.0.3
## [15] limma_3.55.7 sass_0.4.5
## [17] rmarkdown_2.21 jquerylib_0.1.4
## [19] yaml_2.3.7 httpuv_1.6.9
## [21] RUnit_0.4.32 MsCoreUtils_1.11.6
## [23] DBI_1.1.3 zlibbioc_1.45.0
## [25] R.cache_0.16.0 GenomicRanges_1.51.4
## [27] purrr_1.0.1 R.utils_2.12.2
## [29] RCurl_1.98-1.12 rappdirs_0.3.3
## [31] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.10 readMzXmlData_2.8.2
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## [51] readBrukerFlexData_1.9.1 glue_1.6.2
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## [103] labeling_0.4.2 affy_1.77.0
## [105] plyr_1.8.8 fs_1.6.1
## [107] stringi_1.7.12 BiocParallel_1.33.12
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## [111] ExperimentHub_2.7.1 hms_1.1.3
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## [115] shiny_1.7.4 SummarizedExperiment_1.29.1
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## [119] AnnotationHub_3.7.4 memoise_2.0.1
## [121] affyio_1.69.0 bslib_0.4.2
## [123] bit_4.0.5
Here, we specify mzTab
format version 0.9.
Recent files have been generated according to the latest specifications,
version 1.0, and the version
does not need to be specified