class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Reproducible mass spectrometry-based research ###
Laurent Gatto
– UCLouvain (BE) –
### 13 May 2021 --- class: middle, center background-image: url("img/slide1.jpg") background-position: center background-size: contain --- class: middle name: cc-by ### Links to the slides, code and blog post []( These slides and blog post are available under a **creative common [CC-BY license](**. You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) for any purpose, even commercially <img height="20px" alt="CC-BY" src="./img/cc1.jpg" />. --- class: middle, inverse ## Acknowledgements: May Institute team --- class: middle, inverse, center ## Motivating example --- class: middle **Inverse problems** are hard! (Example and figure borrowed from [Stephen Eglen]( | Score (%) | grade | |:---------:|:-----:| | 70-100 | A | | 60-69 | B | | 50-59 | C | | 40-49 | D | | 0-39 | F | - **Forward problem**: I scored 68, what was my grade? - **Inverse problem**: I got a B, what was my score? --- class: middle ## Research sharing: the inverse problem  --- class: middle ## Where is the scholarship? > An article about computational science in a scientific publication > is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the > scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software > development environment and that complete set of instructions that > generated the figures. [Buckheit and Donoho 1995, after Claerbout] --- class: middle, inverse, center ## Why reproducibility is important --- class: middle For **scientific reasons**: think reproducibility crisis. For **political reasons**: public trust in science, in data, in experts; without (public) trust in science and research, there won't be any funding anymore; lack of (public) trust in science leads to poor public health decisions! --- class: middle, inverse, center ## Reliable research --- class: middle ## Reliable research - It's not about reprodcible research. - It's not about open research. - It's about **reliable** research! --- class: middle, inverse, center ## Is there a cost? --- class: middle - Yes? - **No!** It is a matter or relocating time! --- class: middle ## Does it take more time to work reproducibly? **No**, it is a matter or relocating time! <img src="" alt="Reproducibility relocates time" width="500"/> From [Five things about open and reproducible science that every early career researcher should know]( --- class: middle, inverse, center ## But what do we mean by reproducibility? --- class: middle **Repeat** my experiment i.e. obtain the same tables/graphs/results using the same setup (data, software, ...) in the same lab or on the same computer. **Reproduce** an experiment (not mine) i.e. obtain the same tables/graphs/results in a different lab or on a different computer, using the same setup. **Replicate** an experiment, i.e. obtain the same (similar enough) tables/graphs/results in a different set up. Finally, **re-use** the information/knowledge from one experiment to run a different experiment with the aim to confirm results from scratch. --- class: middle Another view (from a talk by [Kirstie Whitaker]( | | Same Data | Different Data | |--------------------|-----------|----------------| | **Same Code** | reproduce | replicate | | **Different Code** | robust | generalisable | --- class: middle - Wheter you repeat, reproduce, replicate, validate, ... in my opinion, it all boils down to **understanding** what has been done and what is happening. --- class: middle - Wheter you repeat, reproduce, replicate, validate, ... in my opinion, it all boils down to **understanding** what has been done and what is happening. - Here, I am not (that much) interested in blindly re-running something to confirm that I can the same results without understanding it... which in some cases can already be very challenging. --- class: middle - Wheter you repeat, reproduce, replicate, validate, ... in my opinion, it all boils down to **understanding** what has been done and what is happening. - Here, I am not (that much) interested in blindly re-running something to confirm that I can the same results without understanding it... which in some cases can already be very challenging. - Note that sometimes, things are expected not the reproduce. --- class: middle, inverse, center ## Why reproducibility is important (as an individual researcher) --- class: middle From > Gabriel Becker [*An Imperfect Guide to Imperfect > Reproducibility*]( > May Institute for Computational Proteomics, Boston, 2019. ## (Computational) Reproducibility Is Not The Point But rather ## The goal is trust, verification and guarantees --- class: middle ## The goal is trust, verification and guarantees - **Trust in Reporting** - result is accurately reported - **Trust in Implementation** - analysis code successfully implements chosen methods - **Statistical Trust** - data and methods are (still) appropriate - **Scientific Trust** - result convincingly supports claim(s) about underlying systems or truths --- class: middle Reproducibility As A Trust Scale (copyright Genentech Inc)  --- class: middle, inverse Take-home messages ## Reproducibility isn't binary, it's a gradient, it's multidisciplinary, it's multidimensional. and ## Reproducibility isn't easy. --- class: middle, inverse, center ## More reasons to become a reproducible research practitioner --- class: middle  > And so, my fellow scientists: ask not what you can do for > reproducibility; ask what reproducibility can do for you! Here, I > present five reasons why working reproducibly pays off in the long > run and is in the self-interest of every ambitious, career-oriented > scientist. --- class: middle ## Five selfish reasons to work reproducibly 1. **reproducibility helps to avoid disaster** 2. **reproducibility makes it easier to write papers** 3. **reproducibility helps reviewers see it your way** 4. **reproducibility enables continuity of your work** 5. **reproducibility helps to build your reputation** --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Tools for reproducible research --- class: middle - R/Bioconductor -- many of you are familiar or even experts with R. - Writing R scripts (could also be Rmd files) to keep track of what we do, and be able to easily re-run the code. - Packages from the **R for Mass Spectrometry initiative** It is also possible to set up complete pre-configured environments (see for example Bioconductor's [Docker containers]( and [AMIs]( or the [Renku]( environment). --- class: middle, center, inverse ## The [R for Mass Spectrometry]( initiative --- class: middle - Project page: []( - Individual package pages - Tutorial: []( .left-col-50[ <img src="" alt="R for Mass Spectrometry sticker" width="290"/> ] .right-col-50[ With **Sebastian Gibb** (University Medicine Greifswald, Germany) and **Johannes Rainer** Eurac Research, Italy). ] --- class: middle ## Mass spectrometry data ([Spectra]( package)  These different parts can be stored in different modes, depending on the data *backend*. (Figure from [Gatto *et al.* (2021)]( --- class: middle - Today, I'll focus on raw data infrastructure, centred around the [Spectra]( package. - For quantitative data -- see the [QFeatures]( package. --- class: middle, center, inverse ## Live coding --- class: middle, inverse ## Acknowledgements - Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb - Users for feedaback and contributions ## Thank you for your attention!