This method aggregates individual spectra (Spectrum instances) or whole experiments (MSnExp instances) into discrete bins. All intensity values which belong to the same bin are summed together.


signature(object = "MSnExp", binSize = "numeric", verbose = "logical")

Bins all spectra in an MSnExp object. Use binSize to control the size of a bin (in Dalton, default is 1). Displays a control bar if verbose set to TRUE (default). Returns a binned MSnExp instance.

signature(object = "Spectrum", binSize = "numeric", breaks = "numeric", msLevel. = "numeric")

Bin the Spectrum object. Use binSize to control the size of a bin (in Dalton, default is 1). Similar to hist you could use breaks to specify the breakpoints between m/z bins. msLevel. defines the level of the spectrum, and if msLevel(object) != msLevel., cleaning is ignored. Only relevant when called from OnDiskMSnExp and is only relevant for developers.

Returns a binned Spectrum instance.


Sebastian Gibb <>

See also

clean, pickPeaks, smooth, removePeaks and trimMz for other spectra processing methods.


s <- new("Spectrum2", mz=1:10, intensity=1:10)
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
intensity(bin(s, binSize=2))
#> [1]  3  7 11 15 19

#> [1] 106289
itraqdata2 <- bin(itraqdata, binSize=2)
#> [1] 54186
#> - - - Processing information - - -
#> Data loaded: Wed May 11 18:54:39 2011 
#> Updated from version 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 [Fri Jul  8 20:23:25 2016] 
#> Spectra binned: Thu Mar 14 06:10:30 2024 
#>  MSnbase version: 1.1.22