The function assumes that its input is a binary MSnSet and computes, for each marker class, the number of non-zero expression profiles. The function is meant to be used to produce heatmaps (see the example) and visualise binary (such as GO) MSnSet objects and assess their utility: all zero features/classes will not be informative at all (and can be filtered out with filterBinMSnSet) while features/classes with many annotations (GO terms) are likely not be be informative either.

zerosInBinMSnSet(object, fcol = "markers", as.matrix = TRUE, percent = TRUE)



An instance of class MSnSet with binary data.


A character defining the feature data variable to be used as markers. Default is "markers".


If TRUE (default) the data is formatted and returned as a matrix. Otherwise, a list is returned.


If TRUE, percentages are returned. Otherwise, absolute values.


A matrix or a list indicating the number of non-zero value per marker class.

See also


Laurent Gatto


#>    40S Ribosome 60S Ribosome Actin cytoskeleton     Cytosol
#> 0   0.005089059  0.005089059        0.001272265 0.005089059
#> 1   0.002544529  0.001272265        0.001272265 0.002544529
#> 2   0.005089059  0.005089059        0.001272265 0.011450382
#> 3   0.002544529  0.007633588        0.001272265 0.008905852
#> 4   0.007633588  0.006361323        0.001272265 0.010178117
#> 5   0.005089059  0.008905852        0.003816794 0.003816794
#> 6   0.001272265  0.002544529        0.001272265 0.002544529
#> 7   0.002544529  0.006361323        0.001272265 0.005089059
#> 8   0.001272265  0.005089059        0.002544529 0.001272265
#> 9   0.001272265  0.003816794        0.001272265 0.001272265
#> 10  0.000000000  0.001272265        0.000000000 0.001272265
#> 11  0.000000000  0.001272265        0.000000000 0.001272265
#> 12  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 13  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 14  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 15  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 16  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 17  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 18  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 19  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 20  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 21  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#> 22  0.000000000  0.000000000        0.000000000 0.000000000
#>    Endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi apparatus    Endosome Extracellular matrix
#> 0                            0.016539440 0.001272265          0.003816794
#> 1                            0.005089059 0.001272265          0.005089059
#> 2                            0.017811705 0.001272265          0.002544529
#> 3                            0.024173028 0.003816794          0.002544529
#> 4                            0.020356234 0.001272265          0.002544529
#> 5                            0.005089059 0.002544529          0.000000000
#> 6                            0.013994911 0.001272265          0.000000000
#> 7                            0.008905852 0.001272265          0.000000000
#> 8                            0.011450382 0.001272265          0.000000000
#> 9                            0.003816794 0.001272265          0.000000000
#> 10                           0.001272265 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 11                           0.001272265 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 12                           0.001272265 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 13                           0.001272265 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 14                           0.002544529 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 15                           0.001272265 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 16                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 17                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 18                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 19                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 20                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 21                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#> 22                           0.000000000 0.000000000          0.000000000
#>       Lysosome Mitochondrion Nucleus - Chromatin Nucleus - Non-chromatin
#> 0  0.001272265   0.043256997         0.013994911             0.016539440
#> 1  0.005089059   0.043256997         0.003816794             0.003816794
#> 2  0.012722646   0.110687023         0.002544529             0.021628499
#> 3  0.007633588   0.110687023         0.010178117             0.017811705
#> 4  0.002544529   0.068702290         0.006361323             0.015267176
#> 5  0.003816794   0.043256997         0.005089059             0.008905852
#> 6  0.003816794   0.025445293         0.008905852             0.006361323
#> 7  0.001272265   0.019083969         0.011450382             0.011450382
#> 8  0.001272265   0.007633588         0.007633588             0.002544529
#> 9  0.001272265   0.007633588         0.006361323             0.002544529
#> 10 0.001272265   0.001272265         0.001272265             0.001272265
#> 11 0.000000000   0.001272265         0.001272265             0.000000000
#> 12 0.000000000   0.002544529         0.002544529             0.000000000
#> 13 0.000000000   0.001272265         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 14 0.000000000   0.001272265         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 15 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 16 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 17 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 18 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 19 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 20 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 21 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#> 22 0.000000000   0.000000000         0.000000000             0.000000000
#>     Peroxisome Plasma membrane  Proteasome
#> 0  0.003816794     0.012722646 0.001272265
#> 1  0.002544529     0.001272265 0.001272265
#> 2  0.003816794     0.002544529 0.001272265
#> 3  0.001272265     0.003816794 0.002544529
#> 4  0.003816794     0.003816794 0.002544529
#> 5  0.002544529     0.001272265 0.006361323
#> 6  0.001272265     0.005089059 0.008905852
#> 7  0.001272265     0.003816794 0.007633588
#> 8  0.001272265     0.002544529 0.005089059
#> 9  0.000000000     0.003816794 0.003816794
#> 10 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.001272265
#> 11 0.000000000     0.003816794 0.001272265
#> 12 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 13 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 14 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 15 0.000000000     0.002544529 0.000000000
#> 16 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 17 0.000000000     0.002544529 0.000000000
#> 18 0.000000000     0.003816794 0.000000000
#> 19 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 20 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 21 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
#> 22 0.000000000     0.001272265 0.000000000
zerosInBinMSnSet(hyperLOPIT2015goCC, percent = FALSE)
#>    40S Ribosome 60S Ribosome Actin cytoskeleton Cytosol
#> 0             4            4                  1       4
#> 1             2            1                  1       2
#> 2             4            4                  1       9
#> 3             2            6                  1       7
#> 4             6            5                  1       8
#> 5             4            7                  3       3
#> 6             1            2                  1       2
#> 7             2            5                  1       4
#> 8             1            4                  2       1
#> 9             1            3                  1       1
#> 10            0            1                  0       1
#> 11            0            1                  0       1
#> 12            0            0                  0       0
#> 13            0            0                  0       0
#> 14            0            0                  0       0
#> 15            0            0                  0       0
#> 16            0            0                  0       0
#> 17            0            0                  0       0
#> 18            0            0                  0       0
#> 19            0            0                  0       0
#> 20            0            0                  0       0
#> 21            0            0                  0       0
#> 22            0            0                  0       0
#>    Endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi apparatus Endosome Extracellular matrix Lysosome
#> 0                                     13        1                    3        1
#> 1                                      4        1                    4        4
#> 2                                     14        1                    2       10
#> 3                                     19        3                    2        6
#> 4                                     16        1                    2        2
#> 5                                      4        2                    0        3
#> 6                                     11        1                    0        3
#> 7                                      7        1                    0        1
#> 8                                      9        1                    0        1
#> 9                                      3        1                    0        1
#> 10                                     1        0                    0        1
#> 11                                     1        0                    0        0
#> 12                                     1        0                    0        0
#> 13                                     1        0                    0        0
#> 14                                     2        0                    0        0
#> 15                                     1        0                    0        0
#> 16                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 17                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 18                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 19                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 20                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 21                                     0        0                    0        0
#> 22                                     0        0                    0        0
#>    Mitochondrion Nucleus - Chromatin Nucleus - Non-chromatin Peroxisome
#> 0             34                  11                      13          3
#> 1             34                   3                       3          2
#> 2             87                   2                      17          3
#> 3             87                   8                      14          1
#> 4             54                   5                      12          3
#> 5             34                   4                       7          2
#> 6             20                   7                       5          1
#> 7             15                   9                       9          1
#> 8              6                   6                       2          1
#> 9              6                   5                       2          0
#> 10             1                   1                       1          0
#> 11             1                   1                       0          0
#> 12             2                   2                       0          0
#> 13             1                   0                       0          0
#> 14             1                   0                       0          0
#> 15             0                   0                       0          0
#> 16             0                   0                       0          0
#> 17             0                   0                       0          0
#> 18             0                   0                       0          0
#> 19             0                   0                       0          0
#> 20             0                   0                       0          0
#> 21             0                   0                       0          0
#> 22             0                   0                       0          0
#>    Plasma membrane Proteasome
#> 0               10          1
#> 1                1          1
#> 2                2          1
#> 3                3          2
#> 4                3          2
#> 5                1          5
#> 6                4          7
#> 7                3          6
#> 8                2          4
#> 9                3          3
#> 10               1          1
#> 11               3          1
#> 12               1          0
#> 13               1          0
#> 14               1          0
#> 15               2          0
#> 16               1          0
#> 17               2          0
#> 18               3          0
#> 19               1          0
#> 20               1          0
#> 21               1          0
#> 22               1          0
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "blue"))
          xlab = "Number of non-0s",
          ylab = "Marker class",
          col.regions = pal(140))